BIM in Syria

All deal with BIM and digitization within the Czech Republic and Slovakia. DTS has taken it a bit further and we are currently working on a project to digitize a water treatment plant for the Hazza region of Syria.
Based on the data standard created by us, we complete a 3D model filled with non-graphical information and a connection to GIS.

After Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, this is our next interesting project abroad, and moreover a public benefit and implemented BIM....the water treatment plant will very soon supply water within the local area.

These countries also deal with the passportization of objects, 3D modeling, GIS and non-graphic information.

Digitization provides the necessary data for financing projects from international sources.

تواصلوا معنا

أنظمة التحول الرقمي ، s.r.o.

Rybná 716/24, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika
Rybalkova 1433/14, Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Česká republika
Milan Moravec البريد الإلكتروني
الهاتف +420 721 472 059
Ondřej Motl البريد الإلكتروني
الهاتف +420 723 322 382
IČ: 08725616
تم تسجيل الشركة في المحكمة البلدية في براغ - C 32464.