We are a supplier for Budimex SA

Digital transformation systems s.r.o. became a supplier of Aspe 10 software for the Polish construction company Budimex SA, which acts as a general contractor, subcontractor and developer. Its main activities consist of the construction of roads, including highways, express roads and by-passe, construction of bridges and airports, the design, development, construction and maintenance of industrial plants, sewage treatment plants, chemical treatment plants and other environmental facilities, the construction of public and commercial facilities, and development of residential property. It is also involved in the production and assembly of various steel constructions, including gangways, frameworks, industrial and sports halls, storage umbrella roofs and hangars, cylinder and sphere-shaped tanks, boilers and high-pressure pipelines, cable railways, masts and telecommunication towers and other.

SOURCE budimex.pl

تواصلوا معنا

أنظمة التحول الرقمي ، s.r.o.

Rybná 716/24, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika
Rybalkova 1433/14, Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Česká republika
Milan Moravec البريد الإلكتروني milan.moravec@digitalsystems.cz
الهاتف +420 721 472 059
Ondřej Motl البريد الإلكتروني ondrej.motl@digitalsystems.cz
الهاتف +420 723 322 382
IČ: 08725616
تم تسجيل الشركة في المحكمة البلدية في براغ - C 32464.