DTS and Graitec Opentree

Graitec Opentree.... do you know what it is?
CDE, more precisely part of CDE - Work in Progress according to ISO 19650. Well, who doesn't know ISO 19650 (we don't believe there is anyone like that :-D ), it's DMS - a really good DMS focused on the creation of project documentation. It has a lot of automatisms, incredible variability and setting options. Honestly, we don't know a better DMS for projection.
.....we are happy that DTS participates in the analytical preparations, setup and implementation of such a DMS.

And it's incredible how much easier it makes the process of creating project documentation. We are happy to demonstrate both on demo and finished projects at clients.

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أنظمة التحول الرقمي ، s.r.o.

Rybná 716/24, 110 00 Praha 1, Česká republika
Rybalkova 1433/14, Praha 2 - Vinohrady, Česká republika
Milan Moravec البريد الإلكتروني milan.moravec@digitalsystems.cz
الهاتف +420 721 472 059
Jakub Tůma البريد الإلكتروني jakub.tuma@digitalsystems.cz
الهاتف +420 604 705 191
Ondřej Motl البريد الإلكتروني ondrej.motl@digitalsystems.cz
الهاتف +420 723 322 382
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